Final conference of the ALTII project in Croatia

On Thursday, February 16, 2023, the final conference of the ACTIVE LEARNING THROUGH IMPROVED INTERACTIVITY project, co-financed by the European Union under the ERASMUS+ program, was held. The project leader was Aquilonis, and the partners in the project were: Maribor High School of Economics, University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Tartu Kutsehariduskeskus (that is, Tartu Rakendusliku Kolledž/Tartu Vocational College and Anton Martin Slomška Institute Maribor. Total value of the project 203,672 0.00 EUR, and lasted 24 months, starting on March 1, 2021 and ending on February 28, 2023.

The conference was attended by more than 60-80 people (depending on the moment), with the fact that we can highlight the participation of representatives of the Education Agency, 50 teachers from various primary and secondary schools, project partners from Slovenia, namely: from the Secondary School of Economics and gymnasiums and from the Institute of Anton Martin Slomšek Maribor, and many employees of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science.

All participants were welcomed by Mrs. Vesna Kezdorf, and they were greeted by Mrs. Marija Vurnek and Mr. Juraj Petrović. Mrs. Marija Vurnek introduced the participants to the activities carried out, key goals and expected results of the project. Details at the link
This was followed by a lecture by Associate Professor. Ph.D. Predrag Pale, who spoke about "Active learning", and whose lecture introduced the participants to the topic of active learning, the methods and techniques of active learning, the advantages and disadvantages of this way of learning. The entire lecture was devoted to the use of AudIT, one of the intellectual results of this project. The participants used AudiIT without any problems and actively participated in the lecture. We can see the details on the link:
Professor Mirela Barbaroša Šikić, senior adviser of the Department for Secondary Education, joined the conference online and gave a lecture, who spoke about "The biggest challenges in the education system", and introduced the participants to the possibilities of using AudIT, as well as the importance of collecting and processing data in the educational system. Link to the lecture:
After a short break, Assoc. Ph.D. Juraj Petrović held a workshop during which he introduced the attendees in detail to the project's intellectual results: AudIT, LMS and the Interactive Expert System. AudiIT was created by the joint work of all partners. Through a series of workshops, they discussed and agreed, argued with examples of what AudIT wants to do. Based on joint agreements, FER started designing, designing, and creating the system. The designers created an interface with drawings that, with its shape, enables easy access to the goal. Link:
Methodological instructions and examples are presented in the Learning Management System, and self-study material and ideas on how to improve interactivity in the classroom with the use of AudIT have been designed. Links: and
In order to make it easier for teachers to use and move through the AudIT system, an Interactive Expert System was developed in addition to the LMS. Link: IKS and

Konferencija je završila međusobnim druženjem i korisnom razmjenom mišljenja. Sudionicima konferencije je projektni tim elektroničkom poštom poslao Potvrde o sudjelovanju, kao malu zahvalu na tome što su uvećali ovaj skup, te pokazali velik interes za rezultate projekta.  Evo primjera

Thank you to everyone who helped in the implementation of this project, as well as to those who will just start working and using the contributions and results of the ALTII project.